Nice to Meet You!

Hello, there! I’m humbled that you’d visit my little corner of the internet. Put simply, you are a beautiful creation. Now, in whatever season of life you’re in, it’s purposeful. You have people you love, people who love you, and moments to be treasured. It would be an honor for me to document these for you. I think of myself as a faith based creative because I make it my aim to glorify God and reflect Him in every aspect of how I create. That means capturing authenticity- what is genuinely there. It means relaying the story He is writing for you. It means using aspects of His creation to bring life to a photo; light, shadows, sky, earth, a light breeze. It means being mindful of the small things because He is mindful of the small things.

I hope that you’ll see an image I captured on your wall someday, or perhaps a dusty album, and my name will be the last thing remembered. I pray you see it, take a moment, close your eyes and remember how it felt. That you’d remember how God blessed you in that season, even on the hard days. That He held you then & holds you now. 

As a wife, mom of two young boys, maker/keeper of our home, the way I steward my time matters greatly to me. I do not have the capacity to serve full time with photography in this season, so the projects that I am a part of are limited. Please inquire sooner rather than later, I would be elated to work with you!